by Layla
We walked down to the photography exhibition to find it was photographs of work made possible by the twinning of Granada with Frankfurt, Germany. This meant that as we arrived they were launching into a long speech, made by several people. In German. Translated into Spanish. We stayed for more than half an hour, having a look at photos of schools, fire bridgades and such. before deciding we'd better go and print out our tickets for tomorrow's flights. Which was disappointing, but we managed to do it at the hotel, and then shot straight back out into the warm Granada evening.
We decided to dine a the Third Eye restaurant on our last night, and rather unexpectedly it was mobbed. Completely packed with foreign tour groups, and very loud. The food - we had tapas - was fine, though not spectacular, but it was nice to sit out in the open courtyard, and to be in a busy restaurant after the tumbleweed of Imagine. We lingered, not wanting to admit it was our last night. And eventually sloped back to our hotel for a final drink and game of giant chess before bed.
The next day was hometime. We had our last delicious breakfast, then went for our last swim (chilly but lovely!). And grudgingly finished our packing, paid our bill, and stepped out of the sun into an airport-bound taxi. As we took off, we both felt extremely sorry to be leaving (though not as sorry as when we got to our transfer in Miami to find the connecting plane was broken) and when we sleepily stumbled into our London flat many, many hours later, we started dreaming of our return.